giovedì 12 gennaio 2012

Celestial Harmonies available on iTunes

Hi my friends, Perseo speaking here.
I checked iTunes and found that "Celestial Harmonies" is now available. There are previews for each song of the album (90sec each song) and I would be very glad if you check it out and let us know what you think.
I really hope you all enjoy our music and support us!

Let the journey begin and please pay attention to the lyrics, in particular to "The Origins of Matter and Life". They means a lot to me and to us. I know lyrics could be a little difficult to understand, but I think that deciphering and making your own idea is just an interesting and very fullfilling experience!

Please check this blog out in the next days, I will put online an explanation to the lyrics and some comments about the concept.

I really would like people to comment on these posts and talk with me and with us about the themes covered in the lyrics, I always dig for new ideas and knowing new people who can give me different perspectives from the ones that I have.

Here is the cover and the iTunes link from which you can buy the mp3, and don't forget that if you want to buy a CD version all you have to do is write an e-mail to or For the CD version Paypal payments are accepted and you get a nice free gadget :)

I hope to receive some feedback. For now...listen to Celestial Harmonies and enjoy!